Thursday, January 11, 2007

What? Louder, please.

I just have to comment on the hilarity of the dedication to tradition in politics. To this day, matters are voted upon by saying "aye" or "no" at the appropriate time and the Speaker at the time decides who won. It's pretty much standard proceedure for someone to object and demand an electronic vote, which they always do, but it's still funny to observe those passionate issues such as the stem cell bill today where the congresspersons yell surprisingly loud 'NO!' rather than a simple declaration, as is usual. Of course, the Speaker, in my observation, calls it in whatever manner he is in favor, and it's put to electronic vote. Maybe our most effective politicians would be those with plenty of strong experience in a student section, like myself. Heck, we can yell for, depending on the sport, up to 90 minutes straight at the top of our voice. ;) Something I'm very proud of.

Ah, C-SPAN, you bring to light our most embarrassing realities of governmental proceedure.

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