Friday, March 16, 2007

Long Time, No Post

Well. It's been a while. My last post was over two months ago. Sure, I could list off excuses, but hell, nobody cares. I've just been busy; that's life. So a couple things that came to mind:

It is ok to wish harm to someone if you feel your reasons are just enough. After a crazy lady flew by me on 33, weaving through traffic, I thought Jeez, she could really hurt someone driving like that. It wasn't actually that clean or concerned, but we'll keep it like it is. After the few minutes of deliberation in line at Subway, I concluded that it's ok to hope she gets injured in an accident, hoping she may t hen realize the dangers of driving like she does and she'll pose less of a risk to others. :-D Where's my halo?

A note on some of the not-so-good, not-so-bad, just really, really annoying parts of having Tourette's Syndrome:
A. Having a pen in your mouth while driving because you needed to write something on your hand at the last/next red light, and you twitch your head around and the pen flies off into the back of the car. Now you lose.

B. Chewing. Any questions, ask to look at my cheek and/or lip at any given time.

C. Clumsy + involuntary motor tics = many things, but particularly spilling water on one's
shirt. That can be good, though, in some circumstances. ;)

Has anyone tried suing the RIAA for privacy invasion? I don't know much about IP addresses and how they track people and whatnot, but hell, if you're being sued for $25,000, you might as well try and sue back. It's the American judicial system! Can't do it anywhere else!

And finally a couple notes/thoughts on Strickland's State of the State Address, of which I only heard the first half-hour, then I got bored and went inside.
-Regarding education, he plans to eliminate vouchers. Ignorant as I am, I've heard from a couple credible sources that vouchers are beneficial. For those unknowing, a voucher is a chunk of money from the state that a student can take with him/her to a different school, should he/she wish to leave, but it has specifically to do with charter and private schools. That's all I know.

-I want to make it plain and clear: there is no such thing as "clean coal" any more than there is a free China. Now you know my position on social oppression. In fact, thought I am a supporter of Barack Obama, I'm debating withdrawing my support because of his pathetically weak stance on the environment. "Clean" or "liquid" coal is in many cases far worse than oil. Obama supports clean coal usage. He also supports ethanol and E85. Keeping it brief and trying not to rank, E85 is, like clean coal, a propaganda tool by corporations to appear evi-friendly. If you want to cut dependence on foreign oil, sure, go for the ethanol. If you give a damn about the environment, take the ethanol and shove it. Edwards, however, has a very pro-environmentalism stance. It's intriguing.

-A quote Strickland used from Edison: "Opportunity is missed by most because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work." I just like that.

-He mentions health care for those below poverty and those under 21, which I like, yadda yadda, and now I've bored myself. How sad.

I'm not really saying anything that's worth being said, so I'm going to go enjoy some Salmon.